Thursday, May 20, 2010

Birthday Party Thank You's...

I believe it's very important for kids to send Thank You cards to their friends and family after a Birthday Party.  A couple of years ago I started creating the cards on Shutterfly.  Aiden at two and three could scribble, but there was no way he could write Thank You cards and even though Connar was capable of writing, sometimes there were too many for him. 

The picture shows this year's Thank You cards.  Aiden (6) would have had a difficult time writing more than 15 cards, so he wrote "Thank You" once.  I scanned it and saved it as a picture.  Then, he helped me choose pictures from his party, the back ground and layout of the card and he helped me decide what to write in the text.  When we sent out the cards, he put on the return address labels and the stamps.

This year Connar (11) chose the pictures from his party that he wanted to use on the card, as well as the layout.  When the cards were sent out, he used a Sharpie to write a personal message, and he addressed all the envelopes. 

Especially when the party is a "drop off" party, parents enjoy seeing pictures of their kids.  There are also relatives who don't attend the "Kid Party" that get to see a few pictures of the kids and their friends.  And, this is a way for all ages of kids to be personal in sending their Thank You cards.

How do you keep your kids involved in learning good social habits?

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