Friday, July 2, 2010

5 Question Friday...

I am playing along with 5 Question Friday, hosted by Mama M at My Little Life  

1.  What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
When I was growing up most of our vacations included my extended family and were usually camping or Oregon coast trips.  On those vacations, my sister, my cousin and I spent so much time playing and exploring.  We would be busy all day with an involved imaginary game or an adventure.  Those were great trips!

2.  Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Not really.  I still know several people I went to school with and we're friendly.  My close friends now are people I have met along the way of growing up.  When I graduated high school, I had a strong need to find out who I was in a different context, so I went away to college and really lost close contact with friends.  It is interesting to find some of those friends again, as an adult, and rediscover a new level of friendship. 

3.  Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
"Where the rubber meets the road"...I don't know what it is about that phrase but I think it's kind of ridiculous and there are better metaphors for "it's really time to get to work now!" 

4.  What is one thing you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
We go to a lot of sporting events, and I love singing the National Anthem.  A stadium or arena full of people from all walks of life singing that song with pride and emotion always makes me tear up.  I wish that people celebrated their patriotism more frequently.

5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
I love the 4th of July and usually its a day full of traditions.  This year, as our kids are getting older, we're changing the traditions.  For the past 8 years, our kids have decorated bikes and wagons to walk in the neighborhood parade, we've had a family BBQ at my aunts and then found a fireworks display to watch.  This year, we have neighbors with a lake place.  On this particular lake, it is legal to set off your own fireworks (in the county where we live, personal fireworks of any kind are illegal).  Our neighbor is also a firefighter, so he and my husband are planning an amazing pyrotecnic display!  The boys are really excited to spend the day at the lake swimming and playing with their friends.  (And of course we all have our Old Navy t-shirts!)
I hope your holiday weekend is a spectacular one!  Happy 4th of July!
Tune in next week for the July Book Club, a fun "not a scrapbook" tutorial, and Mom Tips for family dinners.

1 comment:

  1. Jen...I love it!!

    A neighborhood parade?! What a fabulous idea! Those are the times that make me wish we lived in town!

    And the Star Spangled Banner? Perfect answer.


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