Thursday, February 10, 2011

More Favorite Books...

I am really excited to share this week's book.  Ok, it's not a single book at all...I can't narrow my library down that much.  It's an author, though I have a couple of favorites within her collections.
Jodi Picoult is another of my all-time favorite authors.  As with last week's author, I think that I have all the books she has in print (and I was excited to find her "Kindle Short" last week...three short stories.)  With each of her books, Jodi explores aspects of human nature through events or circumstances.  Her character development is amazing and I am always slightly tired after reading one of her books.  It's almost as if I am sharing the experience with her characters.  
"The Pact" is the first book I read by Jodi Picoult.  It chronicles the relationship of two teenagers, from childhood into High School.  At the same time the children are building a relationship, so are their mothers and families.  Through several circumstances, the kids decide to make a suicide pact...tragically this results in the death of one and the survival of the other.  This talented author dives into the mind and the hearts of all the people involved and explores what happens to the relationships and to the people left behind.

I've read "Nineteen Minutes" a couple of times.  In the opening pages of this book a boy walks into a school and in 19 minutes wreaks havoc with a gun.  The book tells the story in two directions...what led up to the shooting and what happened after.  As a mom of boys, as a public school teacher...this book has something compelling to share.  I often find myself asking, "Would I do things the same way?  How is this mother like me?"  

Jodi provides a context to examine my opinions and my feelings, to reflect on similar circumstances, to wonder.  I love reading books that open a window to a world that is not my own, but a world in which I am invited to take temporary residence.  Her books are thoughtful, insightful, powerful and wonderful. 

I am particularly excited to read her newest book...pre-ordered through my Kindle. On March 1, I'll open my book and be greeted with "Sing You Home".  You can bet, I'll tell you all about it.

Have you read any Jodi Picoult?  What's your favorite? 
Happy Reading!


  1. After reading this post, I think I need to read some Jodi Picoult! Having all these kids has taken its toll on my personal reading.

  2. Hi, I found your blog on CBC. I had to comment when I saw Jodi Piccoult! I love her! My Sister's Keeper was my favorite and so much better than the movie, in my opinion. I also loved The Pact. How you said you feel tired after reading her book, I felt different after reading The Pact. I can't wait to see how your blogging book club comes along! Oh, and I need to get 19 minutes! I haven't read that one yet.

  3. I loved The Pact. What a great story. She writes so well! Can't wait to hear what you think about her new one :)

  4. I read My Sister's Keeper awhile back and have been wanting to read more of Jodi Picoult but wasn't sure what else I should read. Now you have given me some great ideas. Thanks, I will add her to my list!!


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