Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Working Mommy Wednesday...

It's that time of the week again...time to link up with the working mommies...

This week's prompt...Having a career makes me a better mom because...
I am going for the positive spin on this statement.  Any day that I would say it makes me a worse mom, is more the mommy guilt talking than any real reasoning.  When I am rational and thoughtful, I do believe I am a better mom because of my career.
* Two of the schools I've worked for have invested heavily in Love & Logic training for their teachers.  In fact, several years ago I became a trainer of this program.  This strategy and philosophy around discipline and talking to kids is so powerful in the classroom and amazing at home.  I am thrilled that something I learned for my job so directly applied to my family.
* I have a much more global perspective on the world and the lives of children working in the neighborhood where my school is located.  We chose the neighborhood we live in for the schools and the easy access to friends, parks etc.  I appreciate living and working in different worlds because of this different, more diverse perspective.
* I love being able to share more opportunities and experiences with my kids because of our additional income.  I'm proud that I can send them to camp, encourage them to play sports and take them on vacations.
* My husbands job allows him to volunteer in the classroom.  There aren't many dads who enjoy that role and it's really good for my boys and their classmates.
* Because we don't use a daycare, the kids get to have a closer relationship with their grandparents.  My parents and my husbands parents help us out with childcare, and days when I have meetings or school events.  These are great opportunities for the boys to have an adventure with their grandparents and they share hobbies like geo-caching with the kids that we don't do at home.
* Some days I am tired and out of patience.  Some days the best parts of me are shared with the middle school kids I spend the day with and not with my own children.  Some days all I want is to go to their classrooms and on their field trips.  But most days...I understand that my boys are well cared for,  have good experiences and important relationships and are thriving in their lives.  I am so proud to be their mom.


  1. Love it...we also don't use a daycare. My husband's job is one that lets him be with the kids while I'm at work and school.

  2. Luckily we have a fantastic daycare, but I really hope that once my son is in Public School, one or both of the Grandma's are retired and can take over after school care to get even more time with him!

    Very that last part!

  3. Hi, from WMW!
    I agree with so much of what you said.
    I am glad that my day care days are virtually over. (Just a few weeks in the summer for our younger child.)That was the most stressful thing about my life in those years. You are very blessed to have grandparents nearby to help out. I hope you appreciate them!

  4. i love your perspective on things. i'd also love to hear you talk more about love and logic. i've heard good things, but never read it.

  5. Great post! I also feel that making the sacrifice to work allows me to provide my sons with the kind of life that my husband and I would not be able to if only one of us was working. Working Mommy Guilt is the worst feeling in the world. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I cried on my way to work because I had to leave a sick baby home with the babysitter or my husband. I also suffer when I miss special events because of work. Hopefully, they will understand why we made these sacrifices.

  6. Great post. I am also fortunate that my husband's job allows him to play an active role in my son's life.


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