Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Working Mommy Wednesday...

I am linking up with Julia at Work, Wife, Mom...Life! for another...


This week's prompt is, "The hardest part about being a mom is..."

I don't know what the hardest thing about being a mom is, but right now the hard part is going back to work.  I am a full time teacher...which I love...and right now I am in the middle of the transition from summer stay-at-home mom to school year working-mom.  The first two weeks are really hard.

Right now I am getting myself ready for work...making sure my work clothes are clean and ironed, making sure I have stuff for lunch at school, getting my space ready and meeting with the other teachers I work with to prepare for students.  I am also getting my kids ready for for clothes and supplies, and shifting summer bedtimes to school bedtimes.  This year my kids also have different sports commitments that are challenging to our family routines.  On top of all those transitions, I have to reorganize my home routines to find time for little things like laundry and housework while still taking care of myself and spending time with my family & husband.

Even knowing the transition is hard, doesn't really help with how tiring it is to shift.  I'm really exhausted.  When I am this tired I constantly feel like I am forgetting things, letting people down and neglecting what's important.  It's really hard.  

The good thing is that I love my job and I love the advantages my family has because I have a job.  My husband is truly amazing during this transition and does all he can to keep me balanced and functioning.  My extended family helps loads with the kids.  And...I know that once I have made the transition life will be good.  But right now it's really hard!


  1. OH, I will be praying for you! Even though I'm a working mom, I love being with my kids and many days would love to stay home with them -- can't imagine how you must feel this fall. Thank God for your support network.

  2. I Love your Blog!! I'm visiting via Working Mommy Wednesdays. Did you do your own blog design? I'm looking to remodel and I love your design. I also think your crafts are spectacular! I am for sure making the scrapbook key chain one of these days. Hope you'll come visit me too. I'm definitely a follower!!

  3. Oh, I know what you mean...I feel the same way when I start a newsgroups semester of college. The transition is hard, even though you're expecting it.

  4. going back to work (whether summer vacation or maternity leave) is always tough! good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine. but adding sports to the mix can make things extra busy!!!

  5. Good luck with this transition. You'll find your new groove soon! Just do what you can, ask and accept help, and everything will be alright :)


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