Last week I let you know that we would be talking about Cheap Cabernet by Cathie Beck. I am not done with this one yet...
What's it about? This is a friendship story. It's told in first person through the eyes of Cathie. In the first chapter you learn that Cathie got married and had kids when she was really young, her husband left and she raised them on her own. At the point the story picks up, she's 39 with her children grown and on their own and she doesn't quite know what to do with herself. Enter Denise...the friend...
Why did I pick it? Actually I was walking through Target and the cover caught my eye. I knew I was going to need a new book soon, so I jotted down the title and author and ordered it on my Kindle. I thought it was going to be a little lighter, more like a beach read. It's actually building up to be more of a story than I expected.
What's stuck with me? I haven't finished reading the book, but I've kept reading because of the authors amazing use of foreshadowing. There are cryptic little notes scattered through the story line so I feel like I haven't really reached the heart of the story yet.
What am I reading next? This one...I'll finish it before next week's Book Club!
How the Book Club Works: This is extremely informal...just a chance to share some great books and hear what others are reading. You can participate in several the book along with me or read another great book. When the Book Club is active you can comment on the post or write your own post and link up with the Linky. Feel free to grab a button from the sidebar, whether you link up or not. I would love to get some conversation going about the books...please join in!
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