Friday, July 8, 2011

Cupcake Experiment #2

Yum!  My quest to become "known for cupcakes" is going along smashingly!  This week, I tried a cake mix from scratch...
For my first from scratch cake, I went to my tried & true, favorite cook book.  This Betty Crocker book is from the '70's and was given to my by my mother-in-law, when I first got married.  I love it...simple & basic recipes.

I assembled the ingredients for the batter...

...and filled the cupcake pan.  Last time you might remember that I overfilled the cupakes.  This time, I got the perfect amount of batter into the cakes.

I've also invested in a mini-cupcake pan.  These are the perfect size for a taste-test, they're super cute! and my youngest, Aiden, also loves mini-muffins.

The cakes came out perfectly and it was time to frost...
I used the same buttercream frosting recipe that I used in Cupake Experiment #1.  This received a total of  
4 stars in the first test and I didn't want to change too many things this time around.  I also went for a Patriotic theme...the blue frosting turned out perfectly but the red sugars looked a little pink.

How did they Score?
  Presentation...3 stars
Frosting...4 stars
Cake...2 stars

I took the cupcakes to a family party, so there were more tasters this time around.  In general the cake was a bit dry and sort of bitter tasting.  The frosting was still a hit!
Coming up next week...Red Velvet cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting!

1 comment:

  1. I think they look awesome! Better than I what I could do...and I've tried several times.


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