Do you enjoy reading? What are some of your favorite books?
I am fond of saying that I read like some people breathe. Really, I read all the time...every day! At times it's more like an addiction...if I don't read I get cranky and jittery and cranky...really cranky!
So, yes, I enjoy reading. In fact I have a weekly Book Club right here on this very blog...
you can join me every Friday to hear about what I have been reading, chime in on the books you've read and share your own favorites. I will actually begin posting the Book Club again this week, so pop back over on Friday.
What are some of my favorite books? Wow...that's a tough question. I truly read everything and my favorite is often the most recent book I've read. If I were to think about all the books I've read though, these are the ones that stand out as my all-time favorites...
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle - this is my favorite because it was my introduction to Ms. L'Engle. I have read and I own every book she's written.
- Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Clair Robson - I read this at least 10 times when I was growing inner 13 year old couldn't get enough
- Centennial by James Michener - he's my go-to author when I need an epic, sink-your-teeth-into-it novel and this is my favorite so far
- The Outlander Series - I love these books...great detail, great story line, and really long (my habit gets expensive!)
- Jodi Picoult- I know she's an author but I've also read everything she's written and she is one of my favorites
- Barbara Kingsolver- I know, I know another author...seriously it's hard to pick just books. I have read all of her books as well and there's a great deal of variety in her story telling but I love the common themes.
- Natural Acts: A Sidelong View of Science and Nature by David Quammen - this is the first collection of science essays or articles that I ever read. It's still my favorite and introduced me to a whole new genre which I love!
- Winnie - the - Pooh by A.A. Milne - I never get tired of the life lessons shared in the 100 Acre wood.
My tastes are eclectic and I'll read almost anything. What are some of your favorite books?
Linking up with the Julia and the other moms for Working Mommy Wednesday...
I love Barbara Kingsolver! I almost included one of her books, but my list was getting too long. :)