- I was the assistant coach to my 7 year olds soccer team. The boys were amazing and I had so much fun! Aiden decided that he wants to play soccer in the fall, so I will be continuing on as the lead coach for his team.
- I was my oldest sons biggest fan. He wrapped up his first year of playing club soccer for the Cobra Shock. After a grueling round of try-outs, Connar was invited to play for Spokane United in the next season. He's so excited and I am so proud!
- Connar also marched in his first parade with his middle school. The school received honors at the parade and were invited to march in the Lilac Festival Torchlight Parade...a very big deal for a middle school!
- I did a lot of reading...spent a lot of time with my boys...and worked up some fun new crafts.
Now, I'm ready to return to blogging. I am making a few changes though...primarily I will no longer be holding myself to the goal of posting every day. While I love to catch up and read blogs daily, I began to feel like I was crafting, reading or creating something with my kids just to have something to blog about. One of the reasons I took a break was because this felt very backward to me. I was putting together quick posts and they didn't feel authentic to who I am and who I am trying to be.
With my comeback, I plan to spend more time creating and writing posts but I will not be posting on a daily basis. In fact, with my Type A, I have decided not to hold myself to specific posting schedule at all. I will post when I have something to say and something to share.
I hope this doesn't deter you from reading! My goal when I started this blog, continues to be my goal today...sharing anecdotes and advice from my perspective in the world, as I Chase My Dreams! I hope you'll join me!
When I first started blogging I would have minor panc attacks if I didn't post everyday. Now that I've relaxed a bit I like my blog much more. I'm happy to read whenever inspiration hits you :)