Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Cup Cakes...

I have been looking all over for a great Teacher Gift, for my kids teachers.  I recently came across a recipe in Family Fun magazine which my boys and I modified Check out The Science Mommy for the whole story!  The result was this great gift for our teachers...

A Make-Your-Own Cup Cake for One!

* One chocolate cake mix...this will make 8 individual cup cakes
* 8 c. powdered sugar
* 8 tbs. cocoa powder
* 8 mini cans of Diet Coke
* Snack size zip lock bags

We set up an assembly line to put these gifts together...

 1.  Put 1/2 cup of cake mix into a bag labeled "Cake"

 2.  In a bag labeled "Frosting" put 1/2 cup of powdered sugar and 1 tbs of cocoa powder

3.  Put both bags into a mug and add this label with cooking directions to the handle  Cup Cake Label (printable) The cup cake is made by mixing the cake mix with 1/3 cup of diet coke in the mug.  This is placed in the microwave for 3 minutes.  While the cake is cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of water to the frosting mix and mix in the bag.  Cut one of the corners off the bag and frost your cupcake before eating!

The boys decorated gift bags for their teachers!
This was quick and easy to assemble.  For 8 gifts, it didn't cost too much.  Anyone would love to make their own cup cake!

1 comment:

  1. That is super cute!!! I'll need to keep that gift in mind! Great idea :)


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