One of my favorite things about Fall is the family traditions that accompany the season.
Every year my family gets together to make lefse, a Scandinavian bread made out of potatoes. It's delicious rolled up with butter and a bit of sugar. Without lefse we couldn't possibly have Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter dinners.
For the first time, this year, my nieces and my own boys helped. (At least a little!) Chloe actually rolled the whole first batch. While Connar didn't last nearly as long, I was impressed that he gave it a shot. My mom, loved teaching them both how to roll out the little balls of mashed potatoes.
My job is usually to bake the lefse. Once it's been rolled out, my mom drops it directly onto my glass-top stove. We used to use cast iron skillets and electric frying pans. The stove-top method is really easy...there is however a huge flour mess when we're finished. My Gram usually rolls lefse, but with the kids helping she joined me at the stove to cook.
My niece, Desi, helped pat excess flour off the finished pieces and move them over to the drying & cooling towels. Once the lefse is cool, we wrap it and freeze it for holiday meals. There is also a large plate full of "duds"...pieces we deemed good only for that evening's dinner!
Once the lefse was cooked, and the cookies decorated, we had a big family dinner. I love entertaining and the cozy feeling of a house full of family. This is the perfect kick-off to all the holidays and family celebrations.
How do you celebrate fall and family?
What a fun family tradition!