Friday, October 8, 2010

Book Club Time...

I hope everyone has had the chance to curl up with a good book in the last week.  I love the combination of the crisp weather and a cozy read.  I finished Cheap Cabernet by Cathie Beck and started something new.

Why did I pick it up?  Like I mentioned last week, I picked it up based on the title.  I love read wine and it seemed fun to me to connect it to a friendship.

Why did I keep reading? Last week I talked about the foreshadowing used by the author.  She continuously dropped in little cryptic statements and hints about the outcomes of the friendship.  I don't want to reveal any spoilers, but the ending certainly wasn't in the context I expected.  Ultimately, I kept reading just to finish the book.  I didn't really feel strongly one way or the other.

What stuck with me?  I wasn't compelled by the characters, I really wasn't pulled into their story.  At the end of the story, what stuck with me was that I didn't really enjoy the book.

What am I looking forward to?  I am reading The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
This book was recommended to me by a book-loving friend of mine and it's fantastic.  I've just started, so I'll give you the full assessment next week.

How the Book Club Works: This is extremely informal...just a chance to share some great books and hear what others are reading. You can participate in several the book along with me or read another great book. Each week, join in the conversation through the comments.   Feel free to grab a button from the sidebar, whether you link up or not. I would love to get some conversation going about the books...please join in!
What great books are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. Sigh.. now I'm wondering if I should finish the Cheap Cabernet? Hmmm.

    The Lemon cake book was alright, it was no Garden Spells, but I liked that it was a bit different. Looking forward to hearing what you think :)


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