Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Working Mommy Wednesday...

I am linking with Amanda & Julia and all the other moms for Working Mommy Wednesday.  The prompt this week is...what time of day is the most stressful?

The most stressful part of my day is the late afternoon.  Coming home from work and needing to transition my own head from work to home AND needing to sort the kids from school.  One day a week my husband is at work (he works 24 hour shifts) so on those afternoons, I need to gather the kids from their grandparents.  My boys are very active in sports, even more so this year, so many afternoons we have practice to get to.  This includes making sure we have whatever gear is required for practice, something for the brother to do during practice and snacks.  Thrown into the whole mix is keeping up with laundry and feeding the family....shoot! I am stressed just writing it all down.

I try to stay patient and keep to a routine so that everyone knows what to expect.  While we have a busy life we also have a fun life, so remembering that we've chosen most of our chaos and finding the humor, helps keep the stress down too!


  1. Hi, Jen.
    I'm another Working Mom, popping in for a visit.
    I TOTALLY understand--late afternoons feel like the witching hour! And now that I have TWO girls playing tennis this fall, I don't think we'll have a decent sit-down family meal until late October!
    I feel for you!

  2. Here from Working Mom, sounds like that is a stressful day! Hope you have some good ideas for destressing!!!

  3. That's my worst time too! It seems like I'll never make it through the day when I hit 5 p.m., but by 6:30, there is peace again.


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