Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back-to-School for Teachers...

It's not always easy to head back to school, so I decided to make a fun clipboard for some of the teachers that I work with to celebrate going back-to-school...
I started with small (9 X 6") wooden clip boards, my bottle of mod podge and a selection of paper scraps from my scrap booking stash.
I cut papers to fit the back of the clip board and applied them with mod podge, smoothing out the bubbles with my fingers.
For the front of the clip board, I used complementary papers, but tore strips to accommodate for the metal clip.  These were also applied with mod podge.
Finally, I added inspirational quotes to the back.  These are printed on vellum and double mounted onto the clipboard.

I added a ribbon bow, and a small tablet to the clipboard along with a great new pen.  Something pretty helps ease that transition back into being working moms!


  1. I love those!! Can I have one even if I don't teach? :) What a fun way to celebrate going back to work!

  2. i love making clipboards!! i made one for my daughter's day care teacher (years ago.... she was only in day care for a few months) and it was a hit!! so cool, functional and personal!


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