Friday, February 25, 2011

Book Club Friday...

It's the last Friday in February, so it's the last of my All-Time Favorite Books book club!  I have really struggled to decide which book I want to share with you this week.

When I finished reading Centennial by James Michener, I declared that it was one of the best books that I had ever read.  I've since reread the book, and I've read many of Michener's other books.

There are several aspects of Michener's books that I truly enjoy.  Centennial  is the complete story of a place in Colorado.  As is true of many of Michener's books, this one starts with the geology of the place.  He tells the story of the mountains, rising from the actions of tectonic plates and being eroded away.  I realize this might not be appealing to everyone, but the scientist in me loves reading the geology through a narrative.  Michener follows the geology, with the indigenous plants and animals, touching on the evolution of the organisms that occupied the place long before humans.  Once the place is established, Michener tells the story of the people. 

The back of the book sums it up much better than I can, "Here is the story of the land and its people - of Lame Beaver, the Arapaho chieftain and warrior, and his Comanche and Pawnee enemies; of Levi Zendt, fleeing with his child bride from the Amish country in Pennsylvania; and of the cowboy Jim Lloyd, who falls in love with a wealthy and cultured English woman, Charlotte Seccombe.  It is a story of trappers, traders, homesteaders, gold seekers, ranchers and hunters - all caught up in the dramatic events and violent conflicts that shaped the destiny of our legendary West."

You just can't find a better epic novel than James Michener.  With all the snow and winter storms, now is the perfect time to settle into a wonderful read.  My favorites of his include Centennial, Hawaii  and Alaska.

I hope you have wonderful reading!  I'd love to hear about your favorites!
The regular Book Club will resume next Friday...I will be sharing my thoughts on A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.  Please join the conversation if you're reading this one, or please share whatever books you're currently enjoying.  If there's enough interest, I will add a linky tool so you can link up your own posts.

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