Friday, November 5, 2010

Key Chain Scrapbook...take 2...

Last summer, I shared this "Key Chain" scrapbook.  I have it displayed in my truck, and love the ability to shift the wooden pages for new pictures.  Recently, I updated the pages.

 I started with new wooden "pages" that I got at the craft store.  These are about 2 x 3".  I drilled a hole in the top of each one before I started.

 Then I went to the picture files on my computer and printed out some of my favorites from the summer.  I printed a couple of different sizes so that I would have flexibility in putting together the pages.
 I treated each wooden rectangle as a page and layered paper, stickers and pictures...just like I do for "real" scrapbooks. (Sorry for the blurry camera was acting up!)
 When I finished one side of the page, I flipped them over and scrapbooked the other side. 
 I pulled a couple of my favorite wooden pages from the current Key Chain scrapbook, and put the others away (they'll probably recur in some other project)  Then I stacked all the pages up, and threaded the ball-and-link chain through the pre-drilled holes.
The finished Key Chain scrapbook is a bit larger than the old one, and I love having new pictures to show off. 

This fits perfectly in the center console of my truck and I can flip the pages whenever I need a glimpse of home!

Have a great weekend...Happy Crafting, Playing, Sporting, Baking or whatever life finds you doing :)

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