Friday, June 25, 2010

5 Question Friday!

I am playing along with 5 Question Friday, hosted by Mama M over at My Little Life

1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
No, I took the mandatory piano lessons when I was very young and I played the flute in junior high band.  I love to listen to music, but I am not very talented in that direction.  I do however, totally rock out on the guitar in Rock Band with my kids :)

2. What is your pet peeve while driving?
My kids will attest to this...I hate repetitive noises.  Like telling the punchline to a joke over and over, or singing the same 3 lines of a song over and over or any of the other noises two boys can make - over and over!

3. Would you rather have a housekeeper or unlimited spa services?
Oh, that is a tough question!  Wow...I guess I would rather have unlimited spa services.  I love to have cute painted toes and there's nothing better than a hot rock massage.  I think having open access to my favorite spa would compensate nicely for housework :)

4. Is there a song that you hear that will take you back to the moment, like a junior high or high school dance?
Anything by Journey especially "Faithfully" - I think that song may have been played at every school dance I went to!  The other one that does it is the Violet Femmes "Blister in the Sun"...that is junior high summer grange dances all over :)

5. What song best represents your life right now?
That's another tough question...I am not sure I could pick just one about a playlist?

"Then" by Brad Paisley
"It Happens" by Sugarland
"The Warrior's Code" by the Dropkick Murphys
"Stay with You" by the Goo Goo Dolls
Take all those together...that's a pretty good soundtrack for my life :)

That's another week I will have a tutorial on a cute flag project I did, some before and after pics of the big garage project and mom tips for kids at camp...Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks for stopping by! Can you tell me how to link to Mama M? Thank you!

  2. When you're writing a post, there is a button for a link. When you click on that button, you're able to enter the URL for Mama M (or anything else you want to link to) and the text that you want highlighted.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh my gosh! I am the same way about the noises! And being loud, in general. Usually, I don't care how loud my kid is (he's a kid), but if he starts screaming in the car, it drives me nuts. Guess it's just the small spaces or something.


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