Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life Lessons...

Connar got an ipod touch from Santa.  It was the only thing he wanted for Christmas, and he was thrilled to have his wish granted.  Connar is an gadget-y kid.  He loves electronics and loves understanding how they work.  The ipod has been his constant companion since Christmas :)

A couple of weeks ago, Connar was heading out to soccer practice.  His dad advised him to leave the ipod at home.  Connar insisted that he "needed" it for the ride to practice.  Once at practice it got put into his backpack...and the water bottle leaked...a lot.

Connar was devastated that the ipod was broken.  Kyle made a few calls to find out about repairs and shared the information with Connar.  The crushing blow came when we asked, "How are you going to pay for repairs?" Connar's face fell, and his shoulders trembled, he fought back tears and replied, "Part of my birthday money?" Since he wasn't sure how much repairs would be, he set aside all of the birthday money...the money for a new skateboard...the money for a new goalie jersey.  Then he waited...and waited...for two weeks, when he heard that the ipod was beyond repair.

His face fell and his shoulders trembled when I asked what he wanted to do.  Connar took a deep breath and said that maybe he would get a new jersey for Christmas.  We headed out to buy a new ipod.  The new ipod took all the birthday money and a good chunk of Connar's savings.  When we got out to the car after the big purchase Connar said, "I don't think I'll take this to practice tomorrow!"


  1. That's a smart move C man!! That's so tricky but a really good lesson! I bet it just crushed you to see his face & shoulders just fall :( Poor Bud! Glad he got a new one!!

  2. It was tough on his parents too that's for sure!

  3. Tough love, consequences, sacrifices, and choices. I feel like I just watched an hour of Oprah ;) Now, that's a life long lesson. Glad it wasn't mine!

  4. I remember when I received a cats-eye ring from my step-uncle in second grade. I was so excited to wear it to school (someone probably recommended not to) and I took it off to wash my hands, leaving it at the sink. I remembered that horrible feeling in my stomach when I realized I had left it at the sink, and it was gone when I went back . . . I was so embarrassed that I'd been so irresponsible . . . but I've kept that lesson for 30 years! We all have that lesson at some point . . . B

  5. I sure hope this one sticks too :)


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