Monday, April 12, 2010

Playing Games...

My youngest son, Aiden, loves to play games of all kinds. One of my favorite ways to incorporate board and card games is during dinner. We slow down that way...there's more talking and laughing...and for busy kids, there's more eating! Tonight Connar was at soccer practice with Kyle, so Aiden and I had a chance to have a special dinner. We cooked some pasta together and launched into an Uno game. Uno can be really fun with just two people, because you need to come up with creative ways to use some of the cards such as reverse. We talked and laughed over our dinner and our game.

What do you do to slow your family down and take time?

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I would love to hear a 6 year old trash talk during uno. That is hilarious!


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